Do you often download files from the internet? If yes, I am sure you may face the following problems:
1. The download takes a long time to complete, especially when the file is large and the internet connection is slow.
2. The internet connection is accidentally interupted when the download is halfway done, and you need to redownload it from the beginning.
3. You want to pause the download and resume it later, but Internet Explorer do not let you do so.
If you face the problems above, you may hate downloading files. But don't worry, these problems can be easily solved. You just need a free software, Download Accelerator Plus. It is a program that you can use to download files. These are the advantages of downloading files using Download Accelerator Plus.
1. It splits a downloading file into 5 parts, then it downloads them at the same time. Therefore, the download speed can be increased to 5 times the original speed.
2. It allows you to pause a download and resume it later.
3. If a download is interupted, Download Accelerator Plus pauses them. You can resume the download after you reconnect the internet.
4. It allows you to preview certain types of files while downloading them.
5. It scans the file for viruses after downloading it.
6. The download is more stable.
NOTE: Most download servers support resume, but a few do not. If a server do not support resume, you can't pause the download and the download speed can't be increased even by using Download Accelerator Plus.
To use Download Accelerator Plus, download it free at . After downloading, install it on your computer. While installing, select the free version. You can choose not to install SpeedBit Video Accelerator or other softwares that are promoted by Download Accelerator Plus. Set it as your default download manager.
Download Accelerator Plus will run every time you turn on your computer. Whenever you click on a download link, it will display a download dialog box. Click 'Open' if you want to open the file automatically after downloading or click 'Save' if you want to choose where to save the downloaded file. The default saving location is the 'My DAP Downloads' folder in 'My Documents'. To pause a download, open Download Accelerator Plus, select the file, then click 'Pause'. To resume it later, open Download Accelerator Plus, select the file, then click 'Start'. After the download had completed, click 'Open' to open the file.
Besides that, Internet Download Manager is a program similar to Download Accelerator Plus. Unlike Download Accelerator Plus, you may use Internet Download Manager free for only 30 days. If you want to try Internet Download Manager, you can download it at . After that, install it on your computer. Set it as your default download manager.
Internet Download Manager will run every time you turn on your computer. Whenever you click on a download link, it will display a download dialog box. Click 'Start Download' to start downloading. The default saving location is the 'Downloads' folder in 'My Documents'. To pause a download, open Internet Download Manager, select the file, then click 'Pause'. To resume it later, open Internet Download Manager, select the file, then click 'Resume'. After the download had completed, click 'Open file' to open the file.
Both Download Accelerator Plus and Internet Download Manager have advantages and disadvantages. Internet Download Manager is faster but is less stable and has lesser funtions compared to Download Accelerator Plus. Some downloads work better with Download Accelerator Plus, while others work better with Internet Download Manager. You can use both of them. However, you can only set one as your default download manager.
Hi! My name is Daniel Lim Jhao Jian. Here is where I share my experience, knowledge and ideas. You are welcome to leave comments and follow my blog. You are free to copy anything from this blog. Please recommend this blog to your friends.
Friday 29 October 2010
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Tips to remember names
For many subjects in the PMR/PT3 examination, especially Geography, you need to memorise names of places or people. I am sure most people will take it very difficult, since there are so many different names, and sometimes people may get confused. How do you usually remember them? I can give you a tip, that is to relate the names with something you are familiar with. Use your imagination fully. Don't understand what I say? Then look at the example below.
Lokasi Perlombongan Arang Batu di Malaysia:
Batu Arang, Bukit Arang, Silimpopon, Merit-Pila, Mukah dan Silantek.
To remember Batu Arang and Bukit Arang, I am sure everyone knows how. Just remember the word 'Arang'. But what about the others? Its quite easy.
I just think of this story: Ada seorang sedang bakar arang batu. Pembakaran arang batu banyak mengeluarkan asap yang mencemarkan alam sekitar. Disebabkan itu, dia telah kena d'merit. (d'merit > merit > Merit-Pila). Orang lain marah dia padan muka (muka > Mukah). Mereka kata kat dia , "Arang batu hanya orang zaman silam saja yang guna!" (silam > silan > Silantek).
For Silimpopon, I think of this: Kereta yang bakar arang batu selalu berjalan lambat, jadi orang lain asyik hon dia. Kedengaran bunyi pon-pon. (Pon-pon > Silimpopon)
The story above sounds funny and not logic, but never mind, most important is that it helps me to remember the places easily. You can learn my method.
I have another two examples below.
Example 1 -
Telaga petroleum di luar pantai Terengganu:
Dulang, Semangkok, Tapis, Guntong, Tiong, Duyong, Bekok, Sotong, Pilong dan Pilai
To remember these, I memorised only the first one, which is Dulang, then I came up with a story to remember the rest:
Seorang pelombong telah melombong bijih timah dengan kaedah mendulang. (mendulang > Dulang). Hasilnya sebanyak satu mangkuk. (satu mangkuk > semangkuk > Semangkok) Dia telah menapis bilih timah yang diperoleh. (menapis > Tapis) Selepas itu, dia menggantung bijih timah di atas bumbung. (Menggantung > gantung > Guntong) Anaknya yang nakal telah menuang bijih timah tersebut ke dalam sungai. (menuang > tuang > Tiong) Sungai itu ada banyak duyong. (Duyong) Sungai yang berliku-liku itu menyebabkan bentuk bijih timah menjadi bengkok. (bengkok > Bekok) Bijih timah itu nampak macam seekor sotong (Sotong). Ia dibawa ke satu tempat yang bernama Pilong. (Pilong). Di sana, seorang budak yang bernama Pilai ingat bijih timah itu sotong, jadi dia telah memakannya. (Pilai)
Example 2 -
Telaga gas asli di luar pantai Terangganu:
Pilong, Lawit, Damar, Noring, Jerneh, Tangga Barat, Bujang, Angsi, Telok, Bintang, Inas, Resak, Bedong
I only memorised the first one, Pilong, then I came up with this story: Bapa Ali ialah seorang guru yang mengajar di satu tempat jauh yang bernama Pilong. (Pilong) Bapanya berjanji untuk pulang ke rumah pada masa cuti sekolah untuk membantu Ali dalam pelajarannya. Tetapi, bapanya lewat pulang selama seminggu. (lewat > Lawit) Ali marah lalu bergaduh dengan ayahnya. Ibunya berjaya mendamaikan mereka. (mendamaikan > damai > Damar) Sepanjang cuti seminggu itu, dia berasa sangat boring. (boring > Noring) Ilmu pengetahunya sangat cetek kerana bapanya tiada di sisinya untuk mengajarnya semasa cuti. (cetek = jernih, jernih > Jerneh). Akibatnya, Ali telah gagal dalam SPM dan tak dapat masuk universiti di Malaysia. Bapanya menghantarnya ke negara barat untuk masuk universiti. (negara Barat > Tangga Barat). Di sana, Ali enggan berkhawin dengan perempuan barat. Oleh itu, dia masih bujang, sedangkan rakan-rakannya dah berkhawin. (Bujang). Akhirnya, dia terpaksa mengkhawini seorang perempuan yang bernama Goose. (goose > angsa > Angsi) Malam itu, dia pergi ke sebuah teluk. (teluk > Telok) Dia tengok bintang di atas langit (Bintang). Bintang-bintang membentuk perkataan 'INA'. Dia tiba-tiba teringatkan girlfriend dia dulu yang bernama Ina. (Ina > Inas) Dia berasa sedih lalu menangis teresak-esak. (teresak-esak > esak > Resak) Oleh sebab terlalu sedih, dia lompat ke dalam air untuk membunuh diri. Pada masa itu, kedengaran bunyi be-dom. (be-dom > Bedong)
So, this is the way I memorised the names of places in Geography. I also used this method in History , Chinese (ming-ju-jing-hua) and Living Skills. You can try to use this method to memorise. For you, you can come up with your own stories or use mine as above. This may help you in memorising. However, you must not depend fully on this method. Basic understanding is also very important.
Lokasi Perlombongan Arang Batu di Malaysia:
Batu Arang, Bukit Arang, Silimpopon, Merit-Pila, Mukah dan Silantek.
To remember Batu Arang and Bukit Arang, I am sure everyone knows how. Just remember the word 'Arang'. But what about the others? Its quite easy.
I just think of this story: Ada seorang sedang bakar arang batu. Pembakaran arang batu banyak mengeluarkan asap yang mencemarkan alam sekitar. Disebabkan itu, dia telah kena d'merit. (d'merit > merit > Merit-Pila). Orang lain marah dia padan muka (muka > Mukah). Mereka kata kat dia , "Arang batu hanya orang zaman silam saja yang guna!" (silam > silan > Silantek).
For Silimpopon, I think of this: Kereta yang bakar arang batu selalu berjalan lambat, jadi orang lain asyik hon dia. Kedengaran bunyi pon-pon. (Pon-pon > Silimpopon)
The story above sounds funny and not logic, but never mind, most important is that it helps me to remember the places easily. You can learn my method.
I have another two examples below.
Example 1 -
Telaga petroleum di luar pantai Terengganu:
Dulang, Semangkok, Tapis, Guntong, Tiong, Duyong, Bekok, Sotong, Pilong dan Pilai
To remember these, I memorised only the first one, which is Dulang, then I came up with a story to remember the rest:
Seorang pelombong telah melombong bijih timah dengan kaedah mendulang. (mendulang > Dulang). Hasilnya sebanyak satu mangkuk. (satu mangkuk > semangkuk > Semangkok) Dia telah menapis bilih timah yang diperoleh. (menapis > Tapis) Selepas itu, dia menggantung bijih timah di atas bumbung. (Menggantung > gantung > Guntong) Anaknya yang nakal telah menuang bijih timah tersebut ke dalam sungai. (menuang > tuang > Tiong) Sungai itu ada banyak duyong. (Duyong) Sungai yang berliku-liku itu menyebabkan bentuk bijih timah menjadi bengkok. (bengkok > Bekok) Bijih timah itu nampak macam seekor sotong (Sotong). Ia dibawa ke satu tempat yang bernama Pilong. (Pilong). Di sana, seorang budak yang bernama Pilai ingat bijih timah itu sotong, jadi dia telah memakannya. (Pilai)
Example 2 -
Telaga gas asli di luar pantai Terangganu:
Pilong, Lawit, Damar, Noring, Jerneh, Tangga Barat, Bujang, Angsi, Telok, Bintang, Inas, Resak, Bedong
I only memorised the first one, Pilong, then I came up with this story: Bapa Ali ialah seorang guru yang mengajar di satu tempat jauh yang bernama Pilong. (Pilong) Bapanya berjanji untuk pulang ke rumah pada masa cuti sekolah untuk membantu Ali dalam pelajarannya. Tetapi, bapanya lewat pulang selama seminggu. (lewat > Lawit) Ali marah lalu bergaduh dengan ayahnya. Ibunya berjaya mendamaikan mereka. (mendamaikan > damai > Damar) Sepanjang cuti seminggu itu, dia berasa sangat boring. (boring > Noring) Ilmu pengetahunya sangat cetek kerana bapanya tiada di sisinya untuk mengajarnya semasa cuti. (cetek = jernih, jernih > Jerneh). Akibatnya, Ali telah gagal dalam SPM dan tak dapat masuk universiti di Malaysia. Bapanya menghantarnya ke negara barat untuk masuk universiti. (negara Barat > Tangga Barat). Di sana, Ali enggan berkhawin dengan perempuan barat. Oleh itu, dia masih bujang, sedangkan rakan-rakannya dah berkhawin. (Bujang). Akhirnya, dia terpaksa mengkhawini seorang perempuan yang bernama Goose. (goose > angsa > Angsi) Malam itu, dia pergi ke sebuah teluk. (teluk > Telok) Dia tengok bintang di atas langit (Bintang). Bintang-bintang membentuk perkataan 'INA'. Dia tiba-tiba teringatkan girlfriend dia dulu yang bernama Ina. (Ina > Inas) Dia berasa sedih lalu menangis teresak-esak. (teresak-esak > esak > Resak) Oleh sebab terlalu sedih, dia lompat ke dalam air untuk membunuh diri. Pada masa itu, kedengaran bunyi be-dom. (be-dom > Bedong)
So, this is the way I memorised the names of places in Geography. I also used this method in History , Chinese (ming-ju-jing-hua) and Living Skills. You can try to use this method to memorise. For you, you can come up with your own stories or use mine as above. This may help you in memorising. However, you must not depend fully on this method. Basic understanding is also very important.
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