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Wednesday 24 August 2022

KSSM Form 4 and Form 5 Dual Language Programme (DLP) E-books

If you are looking for e-books for the KSSM Form 4 and Form 5 Dual Language Programme (DLP) subjects, you can download them from the links below.

These e-books are based on the latest KSSM syllabus, intended for Form 4 and Form 5 students taking the SPM.

Mathematics Form 4:

Mathematics Form 5:

Additional Mathematics Form 4:

Additional Mathematics Form 5:

Chemistry Form 4:

Chemistry Form 5:

Physics Form 4:

Physics Form 5:

Biology Form 4:

Biology Form 5:

Science Form 4:

Science Form 5:

Additional Science Form 4:

Additional Science Form 5:

To download, open the download link above. After that, click the Download button at the top of the page to start the download. The downloaded file is in PDF format.

E-books for Chinese Language and Chinese Literature are available here: