
Hi! I am Daniel Lim Jhao Jian. Since the inception of this blog in June 2009, I have been sharing a lot of my experience, knowledge and ideas here. I hope you will find this blog useful. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Install Windows 8

Here, I am going to write about how to install Windows 8 on your conputer. Windows 8 is the new version of Windows operating system after Windows 7. Windows 8 was released on 26 October 2012. I am been hearing about Windows 8 since year 2010. At the end of year 2011, a few preview versions of Windows 8 were released, which were Release Preview, Developer Preview and Consumer Preview. They could be downloaded and installed for free. I was interested to install Windows 8, but I did not do so because the Windows 8 preview would eventually expire and the computer hard disk must be formatted in order to revert to Windows 7. Later, because I was busy studying for my SPM examination, I did not pay attention to the release of Windows 8. However, at November 2012, I often saw advertisements about Windows 8 on the television. Therefore, after my SPM ended, I decided to upgrade my Windows 7 computer to Windows 8. The upgrade was successful, although I faced some problems during the installation. Here, I am going to share with you on the procedure to install Windows 8.

There are 4 different methods to install Windows 8:
1. Upgrade: This method will replace the current version of windows with Windows 8. All the files, settings and programs in your computer will be kept. This method is the easiest of all. However, some programs may not work properly after the upgrade, and the computer performance may decrease.
2. Clean installation: This mehod will delete the current version of Windows and delete all files, programs and settings on your computer, then install Windows 8 on your computer. Therefore, you have to backup your files and programs before installing Windows 8.
3. Dual-boot: This method will install Windows 8 alongside the current version of Windows. All your files, settings and programs will be kept. It allows you to have 2 different versions of Windows on your computer at the same time. You can choose to use either one whenever you start your computer. However, this can destroy all files on the computer if it is done wrongly. Also, your computer hard drive must have more disk space to do so.
4. Virtual machine: This method will install Windows 8 on a virtual machine. It won't affect your current version of Windows or any files and programs on your computer, even if it is done wrongly. You can use Windows 8 inside the current version of Windows. However, the performance of Windows 8 may decrease if you use this method. Also, your computer hardware specification must be high.

Before you install Windows 8, you must make sure that your computer hardware meets the system requirements of Windows 8. If your computer does not meet the requirements, you must upgrade your computer hardware first. If you are installing Windows 8 in a virtual machine (Method 4), your computer must have RAM and hard disk space that is double the system requirement. The system requirement of Windows 8 are as follows:
1. Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with support for PAE, NX and SSE2
2. RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
3. Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
4. Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver

You are also advised to run the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant software on your computer to see if the software and hardware you use are compatible with Windows 8. You can download Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant for free at . If it detects some problems, follow its instructions to solve the problems. If you performing a clean installation of Windows 8, you should also back up all your files on a pen drive, external hard drive, memory cards or others. If your computer is currently running Windows ME or older, your computer is probably very old and therefore you should not attempt to install Windows 8 on that computer.

If you are ready to upgrade to Windows 8, you have to buy a Windows 8 DVD. Note that Windows 8 is not a free software. The price is around a few hundred ringgits. Windows 8 have 2 editions, Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro. Windows 8 Pro is more expensive than Windows 8, but has more features. There are 2 versions of Windows 8, which are 32-bit and 64-bit. 64-bit Windows 8 is faster and better than 32-bit Windows 8, but needs higher system requirements (Refer to the system requirements above). Note that 64-bit Windows 8 can run both 64-bit and 32-bit programs but not 16-bit programs, while 32-bit Windows 8 can run both 32-bit and 16-bit programs but not 64-bit programs. You can purchase Windows 8 DVD at computer stores.

The steps to install Windows 8 depends on the method you are using. Here are the steps:

Method 1: Upgrade
(Note: You can keep all programs and files if you are currently using Windows 7. If you are using Windows Vista or XP, you can keep files only but not programs. This method does not work with Windows 2000.)

1. Start your computer and log into the current version of Windows.
2. Insert the Windows 8 DVD into the CD drive, then go to Computer to open it.
3. Open setup.exe .
4. Wait until the setup preparation is complete.
5. Key in the Windows 8 Product Key and click Next. The product key can be found on the box of the Windows 8 DVD.
6. Tick I accept the license terms and click Accept.
7. Select Keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps and click Next.
8. Wait for the system checking to complete.
9. When it says ready to install, click Install.
10. Wait for the Windows 8 installation to complete.
11. After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
12. You have successfully installed Windows 8.

Method 2: Clean Installation
(Note: This method will delete all files and programs on your computer. Make sure that you backup all your files before you begin.)

1. Start your computer.
2. At the start screen showing your computer's manufacturer which appears before the starting windows screen, look for something like Press F2 to enter BIOS Setup or similar.
3. Press the key displayed to enter BIOS Setup. Usually the key is F2, DEL, F1 or ESC.
4. In the BIOS Setup, look for an option named Boot Device Priority or something similar and go to that option.
5. Rearrange the devices so that the CD or DVD Drive is arranged before the hard disk drive.
6. Save the settings and exit. To do so, usually you have to press a key displayed on the screen.
7. Insert the Windows 8  DVD into the CD drive, then restart the computer.
8. When the screen says Press any key to boot from CD or DVD. , press a key on your keyboard.
9. Wait while the Windows 8 setup is loading.
10. Choose the language for Windows and set Keyboard or input method as US.
11. Click Next and then click Install Now.
12. Wait for the Windows 8 setup to start.
13. Key in the Windows 8 Product Key and click Next. The product key can be found on the box of the Windows 8 DVD.
14. Tick I accept the license terms and click Accept.
15. Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).
16. Select the hard disk partition that you want to install Windows 8 on. Usually it is Drive 0 Partition 1, which is the C: drive. All data in that partition will be erased to install Windows 8. If you see an error message, try selecting other partitions.
17. Click Next.
18. Wait for the Windows 8 installation to complete.
19. When your computer restarts, remove the Windows 8 DVD from the CD drive.
20. You have successfully installed Windows 8.

Method 3: Virtual Machine
(Note: Your computer must have RAM and hard disk space that is double the system requirement of Windows 8. Refer to above for the Windows 8 system requirements.)

1. Download VMWare Player from then install it.
2. Open VMWare Player.
3. Click Create a New Virtual Machine.
4. Insert the Windows 8 DVD into the CD drive of your computer.
5. Click Installer disc, select your CD drive and click Next.
6. Select Guest Operating System as Microsoft Windows and version as Windows 8.
7. Key in the Windows 8 product key and your name, then click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. Ensure that the Maximum disk size is 100GB and store virtual disk as a single file is selected, then click Next.
10. Click Finish.
11. VMWare will automatically install Windows 8. Follow the on-screen instructions on continue. About 30 minutes is needed to install Windows 8.
12. After Windows 8 has finished installing, the virtual machine will automatically turn on.
13. On the bottom, there should be a bar about VMWare Tools. Connect to the internet and click Download Tools or Update Tools.
14. Wait for the download of VMWare Tools to complete.
15. In the virtual machine, open My Computer and double-click the CD drive with the name of VMWare Tools.
16. Install VMWare Tools in the virtual computer.
17. You have successfully installed Windows 8 in VMWare Player.

Method 4: Dual-boot

The process to set up dual-boot is rather complicated and can destroy the current version of Windows and all data on your computer if done incorrectly. It involves creating a new hard disk partition for Windows 8. Note that a hard disk can have a maximum of only 4 partitions. If you create a 5th partition, your hard disk will be converted from Basic disk to Dynamic disk. This can cause serious problems to your computer and Windows 8 cannot be installed on Dynamic disk . Additionally, Windows 8 must be installed AFTER the earlier version of Windows has been installed, not the other way round, otherwise it can cause your computer to be unusable. I have tried to set up dual-boot before but it failed, so I won't write about the steps to set up dual boot here. If you want to know more, you can search on the internet.

Whatever method you use, you may have to activate Windows 8 after installing. You will be notified by Windows to activate it. To activate Windows 8, just follow the instructions given at the notification windows. Activation is completely free, but requires internet connection. If you install Windows 8 on more than 1 computer using the same product key, you can only activate it successfully on either 1 computer. If you do not activate Windows 8, certain features such as Personalization will be disabled and you will be periodically notified to activate. Unlike Windows Vista and Windows 7, there is no 30 days grace period for Windows 8 and Windows 8 will not enter Reduced Functionality Mode if you do not activate it.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

My Primary School and Secondary School Life

What do you do every day, other than going to school? For me, my activities are almost the same every day, but it changes from time to time. For example, my daily life changed when I entered Form 1 from Standard 6. I can remember my daily live from the year 2007 until now.

At the year 2007, I was in Standard 6. I was studying in SRJK(C) Chong Cheng. The school started at 7:25AM and ended at 1:05PM. Every day, I woke up at 6:45AM. I did not take my bath early in the morning, but I only brushed my teeth and washed my face. After that, I would have breakfast and then go to school. My grandfather took me to school with his car. Usually, I was just in time for school, but sometimes I was late. After coming back from school, I would have my unch. After that, I would take my bath. Then, I would do my homework and study. I usually do not sleep in the afternoon. From 6PM to 7PM, I would watch the drama series "The Spirits of Love" shown on Astro AEC every Monday to Friday. At 8PM, I would have dinner. After dinner, I would continue to study or do homework until 11PM. Then, I would take my bath and go to bed.

After I entered Form 1 in SMK Sultan Badlishah, I attended school in the afternoon. The school started at 12:30PM and ended at 6:30PM. I woke up at 9:30AM every day. After that, I would have breakfast. I did not take my bath at this time, I just brushed my teeth, washed my face and changed clothes. Sometimes my grandparents would buy home breakfast for me while sometimes I would follow them out to eat. After breakfast, I would study or do yesterday's homework. At 11:30AM, I would take my bath and then eat lunch. After that, I would go to school. Again, usually I was just in time for school, and sometimes I was late. After coming back from school, it was already 6:45PM. The drama series "The Spirits of Love" was still showing when I was in Form 1 and ended at 30 December 2008. Every day it showed from 6:00PM to 7:00PM and it repeated at 12:00PM to 1:00PM on the next day. Because of that, I could watch only 2 episodes per week on Friday, while for the others I could watch only a little part after coming back from school every day. After watching that little part, I would take my bath. I would eat dinner at 8PM. Then, I would do homework and study until 11.30PM. After that, I would brush my teeth, wash my face and then sleep.

When I entered From 2, most of my daily activities were the same as when I was in Form 1. I also attended school in the afternnoon. However, there were some changes. I took my bath in the morning every day when I woke up. Because of that, I could study until 12.00PM every day, then I would eat lunch and go to school. When I was in Form 2, the drama series "The Spirits of Love" had already over, and I did not have any new shows to watch, so I seldom watch TV. After coming back from school every day, my activities were basically the same as when I was in Form 1, except that I slept daily at 12AM, not at 11:30PM.

During the Ramadhan month when I was in Form 1 and From 2, the school started at 11:45AM and ended at 5:30PM every day. I woke up at 9AM every day, half an hour earliar than usual. I had to eat lunch early every day, which is at 11:15AM. When I was in Form 1, I could watch "The Spirits of Love" every day because it was only 5:45PM when I came home from school.

When I entered Form 3 on 2010, I have to attend school in the morning, as when I was in Primary school. The school starts at 7:20AM and ends at 1:10PM. For Sunday and Monday, it ends at 1:45PM. I wake up at 6:30AM every day. I do not take my bath because it was too early. I only wash my face, brush my teeth and change clothes. I eat breakfast and then go to school. I usually arrive at school very early. After coming back from school, I will eat lunch and then take my bath. Sometimes, I will take my bath before I have lunch. After that, I will sleep for an hour. After I wake up, I will do homework and study. Now, I have a new drama series to watch, which is "My Family My Love". It is shown on 8TV from 6PM to 7PM every Monday to Friday. I watch it every day. I have my dinner at 8PM every day. Then, I will continue to study and do homework until 11.30PM. After that, I will take my bath and sleep.

Every Friday and Saturday, I have no school. My daily activities are basically like other days and are the same from Standard 6 until now, but there are some differences. I usually wake up at 9:30AM every day. After waking up, I will follow my grandparents outside to eat breakfast, either in Kulim, Bukit Mertajam or even Butterworth. During Standard 6 and Form 1, I usually take my bath at 1:00PM but from Form 2 onwards until now, I take my bath when I wake up in the morning. During Form 1, I watched "The Spirits of Love" every Friday at 12PM to 1PM and at 6PM to 7PM. At every Saturday, usually I have no show to watch. At Standard 6 and Form 1, I usually sleep at 11:45PM while at Form 2 and Form 3, I sleep at 12:15AM.

Starting from June until one week before my PMR exam, I had to attended night classes at school every Sunday to Wednesday. My daily activities are basically the same like normal school days. However, I every afternoon I sleep only until 4:30PM. After that, I will do homework and study until 6PM. From 6PM until 7PM, I will watch the drama series 'My Family My Love'. After that, I will get ready to go for the night class. At 7:15PM, I will have dinner. I went to the night class every day at 8PM. The night class started at 8:15PM and ended at 10:15PM. My grandfather took me to the night class and back home every day with his car. When I reached home from night class every day, it is 10:45PM. At that time, I will take my bath. After that, I will do homework and study until 12:15AM, then I will sleep.

During exam, my daily activities also changed. I studied the whole day. Usually, I do not watch my drama series. At Form 1 and 2, I wake up at 8:30AM daily. At Friday and Saturday during From 3, I also wake up at 8:30AM daily. At night, I will study until 12:30AM. These will ensure that I have more time to study for my exam. However, in the afternoon I still sleep for an hour.

After my PMR exam, I spend most of my time enjoying myself, rather than to study. I used the usual studying time to play computer games, surf the internet and carry out other leisure activities. Of course, sometimes I would study for the Form 4 topics. Also, I will attend school every day and will not play truants.

When I was in Standard 6, I liked the Standard 6 life and was worried about Form 1 life. Then when I entered Form 1, I found out that it was quite good. However, at that time I disliked afternoon school, and I preferred morning school. Then when I was in Form 2, I began to like afternoon school. However, soon I had to study in morning school when I entered Form 3. Form 3 life is good, but I feel that Form 1 and Form 2 life is better, because I preferred afternoon school. I am hoping to go back to Form 1 or Form 2, but I know it is impossibble. The after PMR life is the best.

I entered Form 4 on 2011. My daily life is basically the same as my Form 3 life, but there are some differences. The school starts on 7:20AM and ends on 1:45PM daily. On Sunday and Monday, the school starts on 7:20AM and ends on 2:20PM. However, the Chinese class is held after school hours on certain days. Since I took Chinese for Form 4 so I had to attend the classes. In the beginning, the Chinese class was held every Thursday from 2:15PM to 3:15PM. Every Thursday after the school ended on 1:45PM, I would have lunch in my grandparents' car. My grandmother usually bring food for me. I would go home at 3:15PM. However, the time for Form 4 Chinese class had changed since June 2011. The Chinese class is held every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:45PM to 2:15PM. Therefore, I no longer need to have lunch in the car but I had to go home everyday at 2:15PM except every Wednesday. Later, I decided to drop Chinese but I still attended every Chinese class and will continue to do so.

At July 2011, my favourite drama series 'My Family My Love' comes to an end. The new drama series 'Family Harmony' replaced it. I liked the drama series 'Family Harmony' as well. So, every Monday to Friday from 6:00PM to 7:00PM, I would watch the drama series 'Family Harmony'. Since Form 4, I attended tuition classes for Malay, Mathematics and Additional Mathematics subjects. The Malay tuition is held every Friday from 8:30AM to 10:15AM. Every Friday, I had to wake up early at 7:30AM. I will have breakfast before going for the Malay tuition. The Mathematics and Additional Mathematics tuition was held every Wednesday from 3:15PM to 6:45PM and every Saturday from 2:30PM to 6:00PM. After returning home from school every Wednesday at 1:45PM, I will have lunch and take my bath. After that, I will go for Mathematics and Additional Mathematics tuition at 3:15PM. I cannot watch the drama series 'Family Harmony' every Wednesday because it usually ends before I return home from tuition.

After I finished my Form 4 Year-end examination which was held from 9 October 2011 to 20 October 2011, I had the chance to experience the life similar to my 'After PMR life' once again. I spend most of my time enjoying myself, rather than to study. I used the usual studying time to play computer games, surf the internet and carry out other leisure activities. Of course, sometimes I would study for the Form 5 topics. Also, I attended school every day although most of the other students would skip school sometimes.

I entered Form 5 in 2012. My Form 5 life was almost the same as Form 4 life. However, in Form 5, I was busier than when I was in Form 4. I spent most of the time studying for the SPM. The time for Form 5 Chinese Class also changed. It was held every Wednesday and Thursday from 1:45PM to 2:15PM. I no longer took Chinese in Form 5, but I continued to attend every Chinese Class. The Malay tuition also changed time. It was held on every Friday from 8:00AM to 9:45AM. Every Friday, I still woke up at 7:30AM. I always went straight for the tuition without taking breakfast. After the tuition, I would have breakfast with my grandparents.

After I finished my SPM which was held from 5 November 2012 to 27 November 2012, I spent most of my time enjoying myself. My 'After SPM life' was much like my 'After PMR life' and 'After Form 4 Year-end Exam life'. I spent my time playing computer games, surfing the internet, watching television and carrying out other leisure activities. Sometimes I would also read some of the Form 6 topics. Although I do not plan to enter Form 6, the Form 6 topics are similar to the topics in A-levels and Matriculation. I also started learning how to drive a car.

When I was in Form 4 and 5, I liked my form 4 life and form 5 life. I did not miss my form 1 to form 3 life. In fact, after an incident happened on 10 July 2012, I treasured every moment of my form 5 life. (I will write more about the incident on 10 July 2012 on this blog soon) That incident also made me miss my form 4 and form 5 life so much after my SPM. My after SPM life may be relaxing but I still preferred my form 4 and form 5 life much more.

Saturday 22 December 2012

My 2011 Year-end School Holiday

The 2011 year-end school holiday started on 18 November 2011. But for me, it actually started on 20 October 2011. The reason is that 20 October 2011 was the last day of the Form 4 year end examination. The Form 4 year end examination started on 9 October 2011. Compared to the previous years, the examination started very early because the deadline to key in the examination marks to the Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS) was at 2 November 2011. I remembered how hard I had to study to ensure that I could finish revising all the topics before the exam. Therefore, I wanted to relax after the exam ends. On 20 October 2011, one teacher in my school retired. After the exam ended, a celebration was held at the school hall.

There was actually a one-week school holiday from 21 to 29 October 2011 for celeberation of Deepavali. I used that week to relax myself. I did not go anywhere and I just stayed in Kulim. I spent my time surfing the internet, playing computer games and watching television. My parents also came back from Kuala Lumpur to visit me. I also bought some Form 5 revision books to read. I was a bit worried of my examination results, especially for Bahasa Melayu, because I did not get any the results yet.

The school reopened on 30 October 2011. During that week, I got my examination results. The first subject I got was Bahasa Melayu, which was the subject that I worried the most. Before my teacher gave back the examination papers, she was very angry because 2 students in my class played truant. Later, I was quite happy when I knew that I got 88 marks for Bahasa Melayu. Even though it was not A+, I expected to get only A-. I also heard that many students could not score well in Pendidikan Moral because the teacher was strict. I was quite worried about Pendidikan Moral. Later, I was so happy when I got 94 marks for Pendidikan Moral. Our teacher also agreed to give 2 bonus marks to all students. A few of my friends borrowed my exam paper to help them claim for extra marks from the teacher. Soon, I knew the results for all the other subjects except Biology and managed to score A+ for all the subjects.

I considered 2 November 2011 as an interesting day. Our Chemistry teacher let us carry out an experiment because although the exam was over, we did not finish our PEKA. The experiment was on neutralisation reaction between hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. However, our teacher was not free and she asked another Chemistry teacher to take over. A few boys in my class arrived late at the laboratory. They explained that another teacher was in the class and stopped them from going to the lab. This resulted in a quarrel between the boys and the teacher. The experiment was carried out in groups with 2 students in each group. My group partner was my friend, NBL. The experiment was quite successful, except that our teacher mistaken HCl to be NaOH and NaOH to be HCl. After the experiment, it was Biology. I knew the marks for Biology Paper 1 and Paper 2 on that day. I was quite confident in Biology but was disappointed when I knew that I got only 80/100 for Paper 2. Later, I found out that my teacher counted wrongly and I actually got 84/100. My teacher said she would be giving Biology Paper 3 only on the next day. I was very worried because I need at least 47/50 for Paper 3 in order to get an A+. On the next day, I was so disappointed to know that I only got 44/50 for Paper 3, which means that I only got 88 marks (no A+). But I could actually get 1 more mark for Paper 3 due to marking errors, so my teacher added 1 mark for me and my marks became 89. Since I was just 1 mark away from A+, my teacher finally agreed to give me 1 bonus mark so that I could get 90. I got A+ for Biology successfully. What a narrow escape! So, overall I got 9A+ 1A, A for Bahasa Melayu.

After that, there were 2 more weeks before the year-end school holidays started. During that 2 weeks, I went to school every day. However, there were no more lessons, even though our teacher had not finished the topics for many subjects because the exam started too early. In school, I played with my friends. I learnt for the first time how to play poker and I enjoyed playing it very much. Our teacher asked the Form 4 students to move to the Form 5 classrooms because the Form 5 classrooms are just opposite the staffroom and they could monitor us easier. It was very much like year 2010 after the PMR ended.

11 November 2011 should be a special day because of 11/11/11. I was waiting for 11:11PM. However 11:11PM of 11 November 2011 turned up to be very frightening. At that time, I was doing some exercises on Chemistry and it was raining very heavily. I heard a lot of thunders. I was afraid that the main switch of my house might cut off the electricity. Suddenly, I heard a very loud thunder. It seemed that the lightning struck directly in front my house. Strangely, the electricity was not cut off. But on the next day, I knew that the roof a house located near my house had a big hole broken, caused by the lightning.

However, 14 November 2011 was a sad day for me. My mother telephoned me and told me that my mother-side-grandmother living in Penang had passed away on the night before that. My grandparents and I attended her funeral on 16 November 2011. My parents also came back to Penang from Kuala Lumpur. The SPM 2011 also started on 14 November 2011. On the 15 November 2011, all students throughout Malaysia received RM100 from the government. My grandparents did not go to school to take it so I took it myself. 17 November 2011 was the last day of school. The Konferensi Waris of my school was held on that day. My grandparents also did not attend it.

The 2011 year-end school holiday officially started on 18 November 2011. For the first 2 weeks of the school holidays, I stayed in Kulim. For the 1st week, I just relaxed. I surfed the internet, played computer games and watched television. However, for the 2nd week, I began studying. I revised the Form 4 topics instead of studying Form 5 topics because my teachers did not finish the last few topics for every subjects.

2 weeks later, I went to Kuala Lumpur on 4 December 2011. My parents came back to Kulim on 3 December 2011 to fetch me. There, I stayed in my parents' house in Subang Jaya. I went shopping at many shopping malls.

On 12 December 2011, I went to Singapore with my parents for holidays. We went there for 3 days and 2 nights. We did not plan to visit Singapore this year because we went to Singapore during year 2010 and 2009. However, my mother-side-grandfather had booked plane tickets for our family to go to Singapore and therefore we had to go. We flew there in a Silk Air aeroplane. In Singapore, we stayed in Meritus Mandarin Hotel, which was the same hotel we stayed when we visited Singapore in 2009. We did not visit any places in Singapore because the trip was short and we already went there twice. We only went shopping in shopping centres near the hotel. We went back to Kuala Lumpur on 14 December 2011.

Two days later, at night of 16 December 2011, my father drove my family and I back to Penang. According to the Chinese custom, we had to pray to my mother-side-grandmother who had passed away. Early morning on 17 December 2011, we went to Kek Lok Si Temple in Penang to pray to my mother-side-grandmother. After that, we had lunch in Penang. After lunch, we went back straight to Kuala Lumpur. We did not go to Kulim.

I spent another week in Kuala Lumpur. On 25 December 2011, my father drove me back to Kulim. There was another week before the school reopened. During that week, I spent my time studying. I still revised on the Form 4 topics and did not read any of the Form 5 topics. A few days later, at night of 30 December 2011, my parents came back to Kulim again. We had to pray to my mother-side-grandmother again. Early morning of 31 December 2011, I and my parents went to Kek Lok Si temple in Penang. After that, we stayed in Penang for a night at Vistana Hotel. On the next day 1 January 2012, we had lunch at Equatorial Hotel in Penang. After lunch, we went back to Kulim. That night, my parents returned to Kuala Lumpur.

The school reopened on 3 January 2012. Actually, all students in my school were required to go to school on 1 January 2012 for 'gotong-royong', but I did not attend it because I was in Penang. I also heard rumours that the school would rearrange all students into different classes. I hoped that the school don't do that because I did not want to part with my friends. At last, it turned up to be not true.

3 January 2012 marked the end of the 2011 year-end school holiday.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

My Greatest Enemy

I have many friends, but I also have a few enemies. Among my enemies, the one I hate the most is Thinnesh Kumar. He was once my good friend, but later became my enemy. There are several reasons why I hate him. Here, I will be explaining about that. Before I talk about why we became enemies, I will first talk about how I knew him.

This dates back to year 2008. In 2008, I started studying at SMK Sultan Badlishah. In the beginning, I did not know many students in school. However, many of them started talking to me by asking questions about me and my family. Thinnesh Kumar was one of them. He was not in the same class with me. Whenever he met me, he liked to ask me the question 'You are not working?' in Hokkien Chinese. He learnt that sentence from a Chinese friend. I wasn't quite fond of his act, as he couldn't pronounce the sentence properly, but I still became friends with him. Then, in March 2008, it was my first Moral lesson which was held in my class. As there was no other vacant places, he sat beside me. We talked to each other a lot and we started becoming closer.

After that, I would sit beside Thinnesh Kumar during every Moral lesson, as our classes would always have the Moral lesson together. Although we were friends, he liked to disturb me, such as by taking my things and poking me. There was another boy who also liked to disturb me. Thinnesh was behaving quite randomly. Sometimes, he would join that boy in disturbing me, but at other times, he would support me by stopping that boy from disturbing me. Occasionally, I quarrelled with Thinnesh, but that didn't affect our friendship. The same went on in year 2009.

However in 2010, Thinnesh seldom sat beside me during Moral lessons. He had many other friends at that time so he didn't want to sit with me anymore. As a result, we no longer had a very close relationship, but he was still my friend. After the PMR exam later that year, there was a lot of free time in school and we played chess together sometimes. In the following year 2011, we were initially in different classes. Then in February 2011, the school reallocated some students to different classes. As a result, Thinnesh joined my class. When I first knew that, I was quite happy, thinking that I would have one more friend in my class. He sat behind me, but he would come and sit beside me whenever the student beside me was absent. I often talked to him and we became quite close again.

However, starting from April 2011, there were serious conflicts between me and Thinnesh Kumar. Even before that, there are several reasons that made me dislike him. First, he liked to tease me very much. Once in October 2010, a teacher asked us to create a gadget. I jokingly pronounced the word 'gadget' wrongly. Since then, he kept finding the opportunity to tease me for not pronouncing something properly. Often, when I said something in class, he would repeat it in a strange way. Thinnesh also had the habit of looking down on the Chinese. He liked to make fun of a culture commonly practiced by the Chinese because the Indians don't practice that culture. Besides, he kept saying that Chinese people are useless and selfish. During History lessons, he also said that he hated the Chinese Civilization and the religion of Buddhism. I was very annoyed with him over that.

Thinnesh was a restless person. He kept moving about all the time, even when he was being punished by a teacher. His behaviour was just like someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Besides, he liked to talk very loudly. He was interested in a girl in my class, and whenever he was talking to the girl, there was nothing else that he would care about. I really disliked it when he talked so loudly as that was really rude. He also liked singing very loudly.

Thinnesh liked to tease me, especially since April 2011. Very often, he would call me 'big head' or 'kepala besar'. My Biology teacher had once told him that it is actually a good thing to have a big head with a lot of knowledge, but he just ignored that. He also did not respect the teachers very much. He seemed to be treating the teachers like people of the same age with him. There were many occasions where he challenged me for a fight in the field and threatened to smash my glasses with a football. Moreover, he liked teasing the students who took the ICT subject because he took Prinsip Perakaunan instead. He kept saying that the ICT subject was useless compared to Prinsip Perakaunan.

In addition, he liked to disturb me, such as by touching me and taking my things. Once, he took my name card. I didn't want to give it to him so I insisted that he return it to me. When he finally handed it back to me, he tore off a part of the name card. He was a close friend of another naughty boy. At first, that boy seldom disturbed me, but after Thinnesh came to our class, the boy joined him in disturbing me. Thinnesh also liked to disturb the girls in my class, especially those who were close to me. His intention was to make me angry.

In April 2011, Thinnesh started becoming my enemy. The immediate reason was that on 19 April 2011, a girl transferred from another school to my school and joined my class. I wanted to be her friend, but I was quite shy to start a conversation with her. When Thinnesh knew about it, he purposely stopped me from being friends with that girl. He said to the girl that I was a "psycho", which ruined her impression towards me. As a result, it became even difficult for me to be friends with that girl. I was so angry with Thinnesh that I stopped being friends with him and started considering him to be my enemy. Initially, I planned to continue being friends with Thinnesh after I managed to get the girl to become my friend.

After that incident, the conflict between me and Thinnesh intensified. He disturbed and teased me even more than before. One day, I returned to my class after break time. It was Physics lesson after that and we had to go to the lab. I took out my Physics books from my bag. Suddenly, Thinnesh came and took away one of my books. I tried chasing him to get back my book. However, he kept running and I could not run after him. Worse still, some other boys in my class supported Thinnesh. Thinnesh then ran to the Physics lab. When I got to the lab, I told the Physics teacher about the incident. However, Thinnesh denied taking my book. Having secretly put my book back on my table, he told the teacher that I was accusing him. Luckily, the Physics teacher didn't believe him.

One week after the girl entered my class, I finally started a conversation with her, thanks to the help by a few other girls in my class. I then started becoming friends with the girl. Earlier, I was planning to continue being friends with Thinnesh when that happens. However, due to Thinnesh's consistent teasing and disturbing, I decided to continue taking him as my enemy. After that, many other incidents happened.

Once, Thinnesh sprayed my hair with a liquid. I didn't know what the liquid was but the container of the liquid had the words 'Flammable'. Since it was a flammable liquid, there was a possibility that my hair could catch fire. So, I took revenge by throwing the things on his table onto the floor. Thinnesh almost started a fight with me because of that. One day in May 2011, the seat beside a girl in my class was empty because the girl sitting there was absent. Since the girl was my close friend, Thinnesh deliberately sat there. I told Thinnesh to go away but he refused to. Instead, he placed his hand behind the shoulder of the girl. One day in June 2011, I said to someone that Thinnesh was smelly. Previously, Thinnesh had teased me several times by saying that I was smelly, so I was just taking revenge. When Thinnesh knew about that, he wanted to start a fight with me, denying that he had ever said I was smelly.

On 7 July 2011, a fight broke out between me and Thinnesh. At that time, the Mathematics lesson was just over. Thinnesh deliberately knocked me when walking, so I knocked him back. He then knocked me very hard. I was very angry so I pushed him. He then shouted at me and challenged me to fight with him. I replied 'Come on!' and I tried to hit him. However, he pushed me back and punched my face. I tried to defend myself but I failed. My glasses fell off to the ground. Luckily, it did not break. The other boys in my class then came to stop the fight. They told me that I should punch Thinnesh instead of just defending. I then said that I didn't do so because I would be punished by the school if Thinnesh got hurt by that. Later, another boy in my class intentionally threw a glue-stick on me, giving me a 'second defeat'. Due to this incident, I posted on Facebook 'I HATE THINNESH KUMAR!'.

On 14 August 2011, another incident happened. At that time, I was collecting the class funds since I was the treasurer of my class. A boy paid the money but he said that he didn't trust me. He wanted to tick his name on the name list by himself, so I gave him the name list. He took my name list and walked to the front of the class. Later, I asked him to return the name list. However, he said that he did not have it. I pulled on his hand, trying to force him to return the name list. He didn't fight back, but he insisted that the name list wasn't with him. Then, another boy came and helped the boy escape from my grab. It was English lesson after that and we had to go to the multimedia room. The boy then ran to the multimedia room. I went there and told the English teacher about that. After the English lesson, the teacher asked the boy to return the name list to me. However, he still denied that he took it. After I followed him back to the class, I once again forced him to return it. He then said that Thinnesh took the name list and told me to get it from Thinnesh. Since he was the one who gave the name list to Thinnesh, I insisted that he had get it back from Thinnesh. It was ICT and Prinsip Perakaunan lessons after that. The other boys in my class then told me that Thinnesh would return the name list to me when the Prinsip Perakaunan lesson ends. They said that Thinnesh had to pay attention during the Prinsip Perakaunan lesson so I had to wait until the lesson was over. I insisted not to wait because the name list belonged to me so I had the right to get it back immediately. The boy then ran to the ICT lab and I followed him there. I told the ICT teacher about the incident and the teacher then asked another boy to get the name list back from Thinnesh. Thinnesh had no choice but to return it to me immediately. After the incident, the boy explained to me that he actually did not give the name list to Thinnesh but instead Thinnesh snatched the name list from him. So, I chose to forgive the boy and concluded that it was all Thinnesh's fault.

One day in September 2011, I quarrelled with Thinnesh again. It was Physics lesson at that time. Our Physics teacher asked us to copy some notes. However, he forgot to return a boy's exercise book. Therefore, the boy had to write the notes on a piece of foolscap paper. He did not have foolscap paper so he borrowed my test pad. When copying the notes, Thinnesh could not see a part of the blackboard, so he asked that boy for help. The boy gave Thinnesh my test pad so that Thinnesh could copy what he had written. I did not want Thinnesh to have my test pad after my experience with the 14 August incident earlier. I tried to take back the test pad from Thinnesh but he would not let me. I then took his book in revenge and he angrily hit his table. This was so unreasonable since it was him who took my test pad first. I threatened to tear his book and as a result, he challenged me for a fight. I scolded him 'stupid' and immediately, he stood up and wanted to start a fight with me. The Physics teacher saw that and he stopped us from fighting. The Physics teacher was unhappy with both of us because of this incident.

In year 2012, I did not have conflicts with Thinnesh Kumar that often because I always tried to avoid him. I did not want my friends and teachers to have bad impression towards me because of the conflicts. However, towards the end of 2012, an incident still happened. On 11 October 2012, there was a Biology lesson but my teacher left the class early because she had work to do. At that time, Thinnesh Kumar claimed that on that morning a girl in my class asked me a Mathematics question and I rudely answered her 'Macam ni pun tak tau ah?' ('You don't even know such a simple thing?') which made the girl feel very sad. Thinnesh announced that to the whole class and said that he would help the girl teach me a lesson. In reality, he was just making up a fake story and I definitely did not say those words to the girl. However, the other boys in my class believed Thinnesh and they started condemning me. I denied the whole case, but they refused to believe me. In fact, one of the boys insisted that I was wrong. I shouted back at him, denying the allegations. He then warned me not to raise my volume at him, threatening to punch me. Luckily, the girls in my class believed me. Finally, the girl clarified that the whole case was just a misunderstanding. Because of this incident, I decided to take Thinnesh Kumar as my enemy forever.

These are the reasons why I hate Thinnesh Kumar so much. We often had conflicts in school. The teachers did not intervene because they felt that we were mature enough to solve the conflicts between us. Some students suggested that I move to another class but I never agreed with that. Why should I leave my class when Thinnesh was in the wrong? Instead, the person who should move to another class was Thinnesh. It is impossible to resolve my conflicts with Thinnesh Kumar and I will never be friends with him again, not now, not in the near future and probably never will at all. Now, I have left secondary school, but I will never forget what Thinnesh had done to me. He will be my enemy forever.

Thursday 31 May 2012

SPM Additional Mathematics Project Work, SPM ICT Coursework and Kerja Kursus Pendidikan Moral SPM

All Form 4 and Form 5 students taking the Additional Mathematics, Information & Communications Technology (ICT) or Pendidikan Moral subject are required to do coursework. Marks given for the coursework will be added to the SPM examination. Do you have problems doing the courseworks? If yes, I can help you. Just download a copy of my coursework and use it as a guide to do your coursework.

To download the coursework, open the download link below. The files are uploaded to 4shared. You may need a 4shared account in order to download it. If you don't have one, you can easily sign up for a 4shared account for free.

Note 1: The Additional Mathematics Project Work here is for Kedah state for SPM 2012 only. It may not be relevant for other states or other years.
Note 2: For Kerja Kursus Pendidikan Moral (Tugasan Harian & Kerja Amal), you cannot type it using computer and it must be handwritten.
Note 3: The ICT courseworks below are for SPM 2012 and earlier. Starting from SPM 2013 onwards, there is a change in the ICT coursework assessment system. However, the coursework that need to be done remains mostly the same. So, the ICT courseworks below are still relevant for SPM 2013-2017.
Note 4: Starting from SPM 2018 onwards, the ICT subject will be replaced by Sains Komputer. The ICT courseworks below may not be applicable for Sains Komputer as it has a different syllabus and coursework assessment.
Note 5: Starting from SPM 2021 onwards, there will be significant changes to the examination format for Pendidikan Moral, so the Kerja Kursus Pendidikan Moral below may no longer be applicable.

(A) Additional Mathematics Project Work

State: Kedah
Year: 2012
Title: Healthy Diet (Question 2)

The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

Note: If you need the data of the weight and height for 100 students, you can download it here:

(B) Kerja Kursus Pendidikan Moral

1) Tugasan Harian 1-4 (Tingkatan 4)

2) Tugasan Harian 5-8 (Tingkatan 5)

3) Lampiran

All the files above are in .doc format and you can open them using any versions of Microsoft Word.

Note: I won't be uploading 'Kerja Amal'.

(C) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Coursework

1) LA1.S01.1
Computer Security Measures (Antivirus)
Apply correct security procedures using antivirus
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

2) LA1.S01.2
Computer Security Measures (Antispyware)
Apply correct security procedures using anti-spyware
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

3) LA1.S02.1
Impact of ICT on Society
Locate and present information on impact of ICT on society
Title: Phishing
The file is in .ppt format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft PowerPoint.

4) LA2.S05.1
Current and Future Development of Open Source Software and Latest Development in ICT
Explain the latest open source software available and the latest development in ICT
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

5) LA3.S07.1
Current and Future Development in Networks and Communications
Describe the latest development in networks and communications
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

6) LA4.S08.1
Multimedia Development
Apply all the phases of multimedia production to produce an interactive educational multimedia project
Title: Network Topology
The file is in .pptx format and you can only open it using Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, 2013 or 2010 (Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 can also open this file but the video and audio in it may not play).

7) LA4.S09.1
Current and Future Development of Multimedia
Gather examples of immersive multimedia in education, business or entertainment
Title: Immersive Multimedia in Business
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

8) LA5.S10.1
Program Development
Apply program development phases to develop a problem-solving program
Title: Program to Calculate the Area of Rectangle
The file is in .zip format. You need to extract (unzip/uncompress) it using 7Zip. 
(Note: 'Area Rectangle.exe' is the executable file and can be opened directly. 'Project Rectangle.vbp' , 'Project Rectangle.vbw' and 'rectangle.frm' are the project files and they can be opened only by using Visual Basic 6.)

9) LA5.S11.1
Current and Future Development of the Latest Programming Languages
Find out the latest programming languages
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

10) LA6.S12.1
Database Development
Develop a database project
The file is in .accdb format and you can only open it using Microsoft Access 2016, 2013, 2010 or 2007.

11) LA6.S13.1
Current and Future Development in Information Systems
Find out current developments in computer information systems
The file is in .doc format and you can open it using any versions of Microsoft Word.

Sunday 1 April 2012

My Birthday Parties

I had a total of six parties at my house in Kulim. Five of the parties were birthday parties while the other one was a farewell party. My birthday is on 23 March. I had all the parties at my house as I did not like having it elsewhere. Usually, my grandmother would cook most of the food, and at the same time she would order some outside food. I would also order a big birthday cake from a bakery for every birthday party. My parents would travel to Kulim from Kuala Lumpur during every party.

Before 2005, I never had any birthday party. During my birthday every year, I celebrated it with my grandparents. Usually, my parents would also come to Kulim from Kuala Lumpur to celebrate with me. However, in 2005, I and my grandparents moved to a new house. One of my classmates was my neighbour. On 17 March 2005, she had a party for her birthday and I attended it. As a result, I wanted to have a party for my birthday as well. I had my birthday party on 26 March 2005 which was a Saturday. My mother photocopied the invitation cards and sent them to me. Initially, I planned to invite just 10 friends, but later this number increased to more than 30. Therefore, I had to make more photocopies of the invitation cards. More than 20 of my friends attended the party. However, as this was the first time I had a party, it did not run well. I tried playing hide-and-seek with my friends, but it did not go smoothly. Later, I decided to open the presents given by my friends. I was overjoyed when I received a toy car that required self-assembly. However, it was too difficult to assemble so I asked my friends to help. A lot of time was wasted on that, and by the time the party ended we were not successful in assembling the car.

On the following year 2006, I decided to have a birthday party again. This time, I asked my father to design and print the invitation cards. The party was on 17 March 2006. I invited a lot of people this time, including most of my classmates, one of my teacher and my mother-side relatives. Coincidentally, my relative who lived just beside my house would be having a wedding two days later. As a result, my uncle, aunt, cousins and father-side relatives were back in Kulim so attended my birthday party as well. A total of more than 40 persons attended my party. I managed to choose the exact same birthday cake as the one in the previous year. This party was much more fun than the previous one. I did not play hide-and-seek with my friends, instead we played board games such as chess. I received a lot of birthday presents.

In 2007, I wanted to have a birthday party once again. Initially, my grandmother opposed it because I would be sitting for the UPSR examination on that year, but she eventually agreed. My parents bought me a printer so I could print the invitation cards myself. I invited most of my classmates but not my relatives unlike the previous year. I had the party on 23 March 2007 which was the exact date of my birthday, since it was a Friday. For the first time, I prepared a piece of paper for my friends to sign their names. A total of 32 persons attended. I wanted to choose the same birthday cake like the past two years but it was no longer available, so I had to choose another one. During the party, I played board games with my friends.

In November 2007, I decided to have a farewell party after I and my friends completed primary school. I also wanted to celebrate my victory for getting 7A's in the UPSR examination. I had no time to print the invitation cards so I announced it in class using the blackboard. The farewell party was on 24 November 2007. This time, we used the catering service by Libra Cafe in Bukit Mertajam. Obviously, I did not order a birthday cake. It turned out that less than 30 of my friends attended and my best friend did not attend. I again let my friends sign their names on a piece of paper. For the first time, I let my friends use my computer. My friends did not give me any presents because this was a farewell party. However, the party did not go quite well. I wanted my friends to sing our graduation song together but they would not cooperate and they kept interrupting it. We wasted about 45 minutes because of that. Besides, the food provided by the catering service was not very tasty and there was a lot of waste.

In 2008, I was in Form 1 at SMK Sultan Badlishah. Most of my primary school friends studied at SMJK Chio Min instead. I again had a birthday party and I invited my primary school friends, using this opportunity to meet them. At that time, a few of them would sometimes come to my house to visit me. When they visited me, I gave them the invitation cards and asked them to distribute the cards to the others. I also invited a few friends in SMK Sultan Badlishah but none of them attended since I invited them only at the last moment. I planned to have the party during the holidays, but SMJK Chio Min was having exams after the holidays. Therefore, I postponed my party to 5 April 2008. Around 30 persons attended this party. This time, I let them use my computer. They copied some games and songs to and from my computer using their pendrives. They saw my brother playing a computer game and they liked it very much. However, I did not have that game on my computer so they could not play it.

In 2009 when I was in Form 2, I once again had a birthday party. Once again, I invited most of my primary school friends. I went to one of my friend's house and asked him to distribute the invitation cards to others. I also invited some of my Chinese friends in SMK Sultan Badlishah. The birthday party was on 4 April 2009. This time, 32 persons attended and 3 of them were from my secondary school. This party was quite similar to the one in the previous year. I had installed on my computer the game which my friends' liked very much in the previous year and they were really happy to be able to play it. I tried to introduce my secondary school friends to my primary school friends, but they weren't interested.

In 2010, I did not have a birthday party. I told my friends that it was because I wanted focus on studying for the PMR examinatien. In reality, that wasn't the actual reason. After my birthday party in the previous year, I realised something. Since I entered secondary school, I had made many new friends, but I never really appreciated them. Instead, I kept having the feeling that my primary school friends were more important. Thinking of that, I realised that I should have appreciated my secondary school friends more and that they were actually more important compared to my primary school friends. I also realised that my birthday parties would be meaningless without my secandary school friends. However, most of my secandary school friends were Malays and I couldn't invite them because I was unable to ensure that the food is Halal, unless I have my party at Pizza Hut or KFC which I did not like. Therefore, I decided not to have a birthday party on that year.

When I was in Form 4 in 2011, many of my primary school friends attended my grandfather's tuition class for Mathematics and Additional Mathematics. I attended his tuition class too, so I had the opportunity to be with my primary school friends again. As a result, I decided to have a birthday party on that year. My birthday party was on 16 April 2011 from 5:00PM to 9:30PM. I printed out the invitation cards and asked my friends who attended my grandfather's tuition class to help me distribute the invitation cards to my primary school friends in SMJK Chio Min. I also gave them a form to state whether or not they would be attending my birthday party. I also invited my Chinese friends in SMK Sultan Badlishah. My grandmother cooked the food for the birthday party. However, it turned out that only 23 attended my birthday party. Many who stated in the form that they would be attending my birthday party did not actually attend. Many of my friends also came quite late, around 6PM. During the party, unlike the previous years, they were less interested in playing computer games, instead they were more interested in singing. They used my computer to play songs while singing at the same time. This party was the least interesting of all due to the fact that very few attended and that made me feel quite disappointed.

I did not have a birthday party in 2012. Initially, I did think of having one since that was the last opportunity for me to have a birthday party, because on the following year I would have graduated from secondary school and I probably would not be living in Kulim anymore. However, I was disappointed by the fact that many of my primary school friends did not attend my birthday party in the previous year. Besides, I would be sitting for the SPM examination in November 2012 so I wanted to focus on my studies. In the end, I decided not to have a birthday party.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Time Travel

You might have seen in some movies and stories about people travelling to the past or future. This is known as time travel. Have you ever thought of travelling to the past or future as well? You may think that time travel is completely impossible. But actually, scientists have found a way to carry out time travel. In other words, they have found a way to travel to the past or future! So, time travel is not impossible. However, the steps to carry out time travel are extremely difficult and complicating.

Before I explain about time travel, I will first explain about something known as wormhole. A wormhole is  similar to a blackhole. A blackhole is actually the remains of a very large star after the star dies. A blackhole has very strong gravity and very great density. It will attract everything including light into it. Then, the blackhole will focus everything to a point. Therefore, a blackhole has no exit.

On the other hand, a wormhole can be explained as a blackhole that has exit. A wormhole has two ends. It  connects two time space. A time space is a location in the universe at a particular time. If you enter a wormhole from one end, you can exit from its other end. Since a wormhole connects two time space, you will end up in another time space after going through a wormhole. Therefore, wormhole can be used for time travel.

However, until now, scientists have not yet discovered any wormhole, nor they are sure if wormholes really exist. Although many blackholes have been discovered, a blackhole cannot be used for time travel because it has only one end and no exit. Even if wormholes exist, when you enter a wormhole, your body will be stretched when you go through the centre of the wormhole. But, scientists have came out with a way to create a wormhole which can be used for time travel. To create a wormhole, you will need a device known as time machine. A time machine  is made up of three parts.

The first part of the time machine is used to create a wormhole. In this part of the machine, electrons are accelerated at very high speed in a tube. Actually, a similar electron tube smaller in size is also present behind a standard television set. When the electrons are accelerated at high speeds, a wormhole is produced. The longest electron tube in the world is 2 kilometres long, and is used to produce wormholes for scientific research. However, time travel requires a wormhole that is very large in mass. In order to produce a wormhole with a mass large enough for time travel, the size of the electron tube must be at least as big as the whole solar system. Based on our current technology, it is not possible to create an electron tube that large.

The second part of the time machine is used to expand the wormhole. Even if you succeed in creating the first part of the time machine, the electron tube can only produce a wormhole with a very small volume. A wormhole with very small volume cannot be used for time travel. Therefore, the wormhole must be expanded to increase its volume. In a blackhole, its very strong gravitational force causes anything attracted into it to shrink. So, if you do the opposite, by applying anti-gravitational force, this will cause the wormhole to expand. To do so, you need a 'special' substance that can produce anti-gravitational force. However, currently scientists have not yet discovered any substance that can produce anti-gravitational force.

The third part of the time machine is used to transport the wormhole. It is actually a spacecraft that can transport a wormhole. After the wormhole has been created and expanded by the first and second part of the time machine, this part of the time machine transports the wormhole to the correct location in space and makes the necessary calculations. After that, the time travel can be carried out. However, scientists are not yet able to create a spacecraft that can transport a wormhole.

Although the scientists have found a way to build a time machine to carry out time travel, our current technology doesn't allow us to do so. There are many great problems and difficulties that we have to face and overcome in order to create a time machine. So, currently it is surely impossible for us to carry out time travel. Maybe in the future, scientists are able to overcome these problems and successfully create a time machine.