
Hi! I am Daniel Lim Jhao Jian. Since the inception of this blog in June 2009, I have been sharing a lot of my experience, knowledge and ideas here. I hope you will find this blog useful. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Saturday 22 December 2012

My 2011 Year-end School Holiday

The 2011 year-end school holiday started on 18 November 2011. But for me, it actually started on 20 October 2011. The reason is that 20 October 2011 was the last day of the Form 4 year end examination. The Form 4 year end examination started on 9 October 2011. Compared to the previous years, the examination started very early because the deadline to key in the examination marks to the Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS) was at 2 November 2011. I remembered how hard I had to study to ensure that I could finish revising all the topics before the exam. Therefore, I wanted to relax after the exam ends. On 20 October 2011, one teacher in my school retired. After the exam ended, a celebration was held at the school hall.

There was actually a one-week school holiday from 21 to 29 October 2011 for celeberation of Deepavali. I used that week to relax myself. I did not go anywhere and I just stayed in Kulim. I spent my time surfing the internet, playing computer games and watching television. My parents also came back from Kuala Lumpur to visit me. I also bought some Form 5 revision books to read. I was a bit worried of my examination results, especially for Bahasa Melayu, because I did not get any the results yet.

The school reopened on 30 October 2011. During that week, I got my examination results. The first subject I got was Bahasa Melayu, which was the subject that I worried the most. Before my teacher gave back the examination papers, she was very angry because 2 students in my class played truant. Later, I was quite happy when I knew that I got 88 marks for Bahasa Melayu. Even though it was not A+, I expected to get only A-. I also heard that many students could not score well in Pendidikan Moral because the teacher was strict. I was quite worried about Pendidikan Moral. Later, I was so happy when I got 94 marks for Pendidikan Moral. Our teacher also agreed to give 2 bonus marks to all students. A few of my friends borrowed my exam paper to help them claim for extra marks from the teacher. Soon, I knew the results for all the other subjects except Biology and managed to score A+ for all the subjects.

I considered 2 November 2011 as an interesting day. Our Chemistry teacher let us carry out an experiment because although the exam was over, we did not finish our PEKA. The experiment was on neutralisation reaction between hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. However, our teacher was not free and she asked another Chemistry teacher to take over. A few boys in my class arrived late at the laboratory. They explained that another teacher was in the class and stopped them from going to the lab. This resulted in a quarrel between the boys and the teacher. The experiment was carried out in groups with 2 students in each group. My group partner was my friend, NBL. The experiment was quite successful, except that our teacher mistaken HCl to be NaOH and NaOH to be HCl. After the experiment, it was Biology. I knew the marks for Biology Paper 1 and Paper 2 on that day. I was quite confident in Biology but was disappointed when I knew that I got only 80/100 for Paper 2. Later, I found out that my teacher counted wrongly and I actually got 84/100. My teacher said she would be giving Biology Paper 3 only on the next day. I was very worried because I need at least 47/50 for Paper 3 in order to get an A+. On the next day, I was so disappointed to know that I only got 44/50 for Paper 3, which means that I only got 88 marks (no A+). But I could actually get 1 more mark for Paper 3 due to marking errors, so my teacher added 1 mark for me and my marks became 89. Since I was just 1 mark away from A+, my teacher finally agreed to give me 1 bonus mark so that I could get 90. I got A+ for Biology successfully. What a narrow escape! So, overall I got 9A+ 1A, A for Bahasa Melayu.

After that, there were 2 more weeks before the year-end school holidays started. During that 2 weeks, I went to school every day. However, there were no more lessons, even though our teacher had not finished the topics for many subjects because the exam started too early. In school, I played with my friends. I learnt for the first time how to play poker and I enjoyed playing it very much. Our teacher asked the Form 4 students to move to the Form 5 classrooms because the Form 5 classrooms are just opposite the staffroom and they could monitor us easier. It was very much like year 2010 after the PMR ended.

11 November 2011 should be a special day because of 11/11/11. I was waiting for 11:11PM. However 11:11PM of 11 November 2011 turned up to be very frightening. At that time, I was doing some exercises on Chemistry and it was raining very heavily. I heard a lot of thunders. I was afraid that the main switch of my house might cut off the electricity. Suddenly, I heard a very loud thunder. It seemed that the lightning struck directly in front my house. Strangely, the electricity was not cut off. But on the next day, I knew that the roof a house located near my house had a big hole broken, caused by the lightning.

However, 14 November 2011 was a sad day for me. My mother telephoned me and told me that my mother-side-grandmother living in Penang had passed away on the night before that. My grandparents and I attended her funeral on 16 November 2011. My parents also came back to Penang from Kuala Lumpur. The SPM 2011 also started on 14 November 2011. On the 15 November 2011, all students throughout Malaysia received RM100 from the government. My grandparents did not go to school to take it so I took it myself. 17 November 2011 was the last day of school. The Konferensi Waris of my school was held on that day. My grandparents also did not attend it.

The 2011 year-end school holiday officially started on 18 November 2011. For the first 2 weeks of the school holidays, I stayed in Kulim. For the 1st week, I just relaxed. I surfed the internet, played computer games and watched television. However, for the 2nd week, I began studying. I revised the Form 4 topics instead of studying Form 5 topics because my teachers did not finish the last few topics for every subjects.

2 weeks later, I went to Kuala Lumpur on 4 December 2011. My parents came back to Kulim on 3 December 2011 to fetch me. There, I stayed in my parents' house in Subang Jaya. I went shopping at many shopping malls.

On 12 December 2011, I went to Singapore with my parents for holidays. We went there for 3 days and 2 nights. We did not plan to visit Singapore this year because we went to Singapore during year 2010 and 2009. However, my mother-side-grandfather had booked plane tickets for our family to go to Singapore and therefore we had to go. We flew there in a Silk Air aeroplane. In Singapore, we stayed in Meritus Mandarin Hotel, which was the same hotel we stayed when we visited Singapore in 2009. We did not visit any places in Singapore because the trip was short and we already went there twice. We only went shopping in shopping centres near the hotel. We went back to Kuala Lumpur on 14 December 2011.

Two days later, at night of 16 December 2011, my father drove my family and I back to Penang. According to the Chinese custom, we had to pray to my mother-side-grandmother who had passed away. Early morning on 17 December 2011, we went to Kek Lok Si Temple in Penang to pray to my mother-side-grandmother. After that, we had lunch in Penang. After lunch, we went back straight to Kuala Lumpur. We did not go to Kulim.

I spent another week in Kuala Lumpur. On 25 December 2011, my father drove me back to Kulim. There was another week before the school reopened. During that week, I spent my time studying. I still revised on the Form 4 topics and did not read any of the Form 5 topics. A few days later, at night of 30 December 2011, my parents came back to Kulim again. We had to pray to my mother-side-grandmother again. Early morning of 31 December 2011, I and my parents went to Kek Lok Si temple in Penang. After that, we stayed in Penang for a night at Vistana Hotel. On the next day 1 January 2012, we had lunch at Equatorial Hotel in Penang. After lunch, we went back to Kulim. That night, my parents returned to Kuala Lumpur.

The school reopened on 3 January 2012. Actually, all students in my school were required to go to school on 1 January 2012 for 'gotong-royong', but I did not attend it because I was in Penang. I also heard rumours that the school would rearrange all students into different classes. I hoped that the school don't do that because I did not want to part with my friends. At last, it turned up to be not true.

3 January 2012 marked the end of the 2011 year-end school holiday.

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